Project lead, UX Researcher, Designer, Facilitator


This project is an outcome from Human centred design course I completed in October 2020. I led a team of 3 and our goal was to use HCD process to think about how might we make it easier for families to cook at home.
My role was to keep team on schedule, facilitate meetings, and desgin the final prototype.

In the inspiration phase we planned our research, built interview guide, conducted 4 interviews, observed people shopping and read related articles.
We analysed learnings from research and identified 4 key themes: education, habit creation, planning and motivation. As a team, we picked 3 most important evidence-based insights and turned them into ‘How might we’ questions. 
In the next step, I ran an ideation session where we brainstormed ideas for each opportunity. Collectively we picked the best idea to work on which was to do a 30 days challenge – the reason why we picked this one was because it combined multiple insights from previous research  - users said they needed motivation to eat heathy, see tangible progress and do something long enough to create a habit. 
We created a storyboard to help us identify and prioritise questions that needed to be answered first – in our case it was whether a user would be willing to sign up for the challenge, therefore we decided to create a prototype to help us answer this question.
We used insights from the initial research to build a sign-up page. Early in the process we identified what were the barriers that prevented our participants from eating healthy – they though it would be expensive and it would require big changes in their existing habits. Also, they said they trust recommendations from their family and friends rather than celebrities. 
/ End to end experience - questions we had for each step and ideas how to test them
I created a prototype using Figma and tested in on 2 participants to gather quick feedback – both would be happy to sign up but voiced their concerns about how much time would it take them as they expected it to be time consuming. This observation can be used for future iteration. 
Both participants agreed with our supporting reasons we displayed on the sign up page: „ I like that the recipes are not expensive as you tend to have these expensive ingredients in healthy food, good that they thought
about that.“

It is incredibly important to have users involved from the very beginning. Learnings we found in early interviews shaped direction of this project and helped us design better prototype.
It was challengeing to run this course remotely, especially ideation sessions, but it gave me a good overview of tools available which is going to help in future projects.\
/ Sign-up page prototype
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